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Why We Travel With Our Patients

Hello, My name is Monika during the past years i made several decisions in my life one of them was doing my plastic surgery in Turkey. I experienced myself traveling to Turkey to do my treatment through my experience. I found many problems that drive me to think about solutions, solutions for people who want to take huge steps and decisions in their lives regarding their bodies and their health. This is where the idea of afterglow comes from a place where people can find safety. I find several talented doctors in Turkey. to be able to provide people in UK and European countries with the right doctors and the right consultation online and offline and provide people with a medical trip starting from UK.

I started to travel with my patients from UK to Turkey to ensure the safety and quality of the service so this on of the most important points that I missed in my previous experience I felt alone in a random country so I said to myself I would be the person who will meet with patent in UK face to face and travel with them and now I am traveling monthly to turkey never hesitate to text us to book your place in my coming trip.

I started to travel with my patients from UK to Turkey to ensure the safety and quality of the service .“


Personalized Assistance:

One of the core benefits of Afterglow is the personalized assistance I offer to individuals in the UK and European countries. I understand that making decisions about your health can be overwhelming, and I am here to guide you through every step of the process.

Access to Talented Doctors:

Through my experiences, I've connected with several talented doctors in Turkey. Afterglow provides access to these skilled professionals, ensuring that you receive the right medical advice and treatment options tailored to your needs.

Online and Offline Consultation:

Afterglow is committed to providing flexible and accessible services. Whether you prefer online consultations or face-to-face meetings in the UK, I am here to facilitate the communication between you and the doctors, making sure you are well-informed and comfortable with your decisions.

Comprehensive Medical Trip Packages:

I understand the importance of feeling secure during a medical trip. Afterglow offers comprehensive packages that include travel arrangements from the UK to Turkey. From consultations to surgery and postoperative care, every detail is meticulously planned for your comfort and peace of mind.

Safety and Quality Assurance:

Unlike my previous experience, Afterglow emphasizes safety and quality assurance. I personally travel monthly to Turkey with my patients, ensuring that you are not alone during this significant journey. Your well-being is our priority, and having a familiar face by your side can make all the difference.

Monthly Travel Opportunities:

Afterglow provides regular opportunities for individuals to join my monthly trips to Turkey. This consistency ensures that you can plan your journey when it suits you best. Don't hesitate to reach out, book your place, and embark on a transformative experience with Afterglow.

Making decisions about your health and body is a significant step, and Afterglow is here to provide you with a sense of security, support, and quality service throughout your medical travel journey. If you're considering a medical trip to Turkey, I'm here to help you make informed decisions and accompany you on this transformative experience. Never hesitate to reach out to book your place in my upcoming trip – your well-being is our top priority.